Organize digital toolbox meetings
Select the required toolbox from our Phronesys library and personalize it to suit your organization. Participants digitally sign off to confirm their attendance, after which the attendance list is automatically updated. If desired, you can incorporate a knowledge test in every toolbox to ensure that all participants take home the essential information in their daily jobs.
(E-learning) toolboxes
Knowledge tests
Manage your incidents
Report an incident and add supporting images with just the touch of a button. Determine immediate actions, perform root cause analysis and link back to the risk assessments so that they are always up to date.
Always maintain an overview with automatic graphs based on all reported incidents - such as Heinrich's pyramid / safety pyramid, total number of reports per month, frequency rate, severity rate, etc.
Incident reporting, analysis and follow-up
Automatic graphs

Optimize Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RIE)
Optimize the management of risk analysis (RA) within your organization. The structured workflow ensures concrete execution and follow-up per process, workplace, activity and installation. Ensure that even last minute risk analyses (LMRA) are performed thanks to our APP which is always within reach.
Global risk assessments (GRA) and task risk assessments (TRA)
Last minute risk assessments (LMRA)
Time-efficient management of your work equipment
Manage work equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) from commissioning through replacement: always ensure necessary stock with automatic notifications, plan preventive maintenance, and stay on top of necessary maintenance work. Via our mobile APP, you can request work orders directly on site - supported by visuals.
Work equipment and PPE
Stock management system with automatic notifications
Maintenance and work orders

Safety instruction cards
& Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Nothing is more important than employees being aware of the risks while performing their day-to-day jobs. Guarantee a safe situation in the workplace thanks to the automatic creation of safety instruction cards and always up-to-date safety data sheets (SDS) or product data sheets.
Safety instruction cards
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Want to find out how Phronesys
can benefit your organization?
Request a personal demo now.
- No cost and no commitment
- On location at your offices, or online
- Discover the numerous possibilities